Hello, greetings! I’d like to know if you know anything about this; the following is happening to me. I use Typebot to close sales for specific products. Since I updated to version 3.1.1, I've been experiencing issues with some inputs in Typebot. Occasionally, I get a '500' error and 404 error to, and other times not. I'd like to know if the update might have caused an issue. Here's the error:
{ "status": 500, "body": { "message": "\nInvalid prisma.chatSession.deleteMany() invocation:\n\n\nunexpected end of hex escape at line 1 column 4555", "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "data": { "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "httpStatus": 500, "path": "continueChat" } } }
Additionally, I also get a '404' error at times when calling an external database via HTTP request. This error appears as follows:
hello @Sagx I can not help you because i do not use Tyebot on a VPS but i suggest you to try also to aks in #self-hosters discussion so to be sure to found more users that use typebot on their server