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Updated 4 months ago

Allow Functions not Allowed in Preview

At a glance

The community members are discussing the possibility of adding an option in Typebot settings to enable or disable features such as sending email and uploading files in the preview mode. One community member mentions that they have a large workflow for some bots and have to run them from the start just to test one of the functions, suggesting a need for more granular control over these features. Another community member indicates that they will track this feature request on the Typebot GitHub repository.

Useful resources
Create an option in typebot settings to enable or disable the features such as sending email, uploading to work in preview.

Or enable them fully?
Do you currently need one of them in preview? Which one and why?
files upload and email sending

i have a very large workflow for some of the bots and i have to run them from start just to test one of the functions πŸ˜…
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