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Updated 10 months ago

Blank spaces (CSS)

At a glance

The community members are discussing an issue where the text in a chatbot bubble exceeds the maximum width, leaving an empty space to the right. A community member suggests a temporary fix using word-break: break-all;, but notes it is sub-optimal. Other community members ask for more details and a real example, as the issue seems to be specific to long words without spaces. However, there is no explicitly marked answer provided.

Anyone knows if there is a way to fix this using CSS?

Basically if the text takes more than two lines the width = max-width
But that also happens when a word gets pushed to the next line leaving an empty space to the right!
I have a temporary fix which is to word-break: break-all;
But it’s sub-optimal
Up. Does anyone have a better way to fix this?
Do you have a real example in mind?
Because this only happens if you have a long word without space
I guess the example depends on the size of the chatbot (also I modified the max length for the bubble, however that can't cause this).

Don't worry it's very very very specific, I just wanted to know if someone knew CSS enough to help me get arround that, but it's not important at all...

(censoring name of the company)
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