calendly embed in typebot is not working correctly when called in whats app
calendly embed in typebot is not working correctly when called in whats app
At a glance
The community member is having an issue with embedding Calendly into Typebot and getting it to work in WhatsApp. The community members note that Calendly is not supported in WhatsApp, and suggest using the Calendly API or to schedule meetings directly in WhatsApp using Typebot. There is no explicitly marked answer, but the community members provide suggestions on how to address the issue.
I´m embed calendly into typebot normaly, when i click on view to test, the calendly appear normaly into typebot... But When i start the bot in whats app the calendly is not appearing to reserve date. What could be happening?
Then... I did the calendly and test 2 month ago and the calendar appeared into whatsapp. Now is not appearing more... 😦 The seems the whatsapp updated and I´m not getting. But ok... Thank You! Do you know any situation where can i to schedule a meeting into whatsapp directly using typebot?