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Updated 2 months ago

Change the typebotlink by API

Hey, all

Is it possible change the name of customDomain when it is created a typebot? Because I need to put the "null" parameter to work
I'm having a hard time understanding the issue. Can you provide more info on what you do and what error you see?
I would like to change the name "company-employee.." via API. How can I do that? How can I define this name via API?
You can update the customDomain field here
When I try, a ERROR 500 is showed to me. I need to put "null" as parameters to work well.
What do you mean? Can you share the payload you are sending?
This is a json that it works
but, if I change the "customDomain",
ERROR: Bad request - please check your parameters 400 - "{\"message\":\"Input validation failed\",\"code\":\"BAD_REQUEST\",\"data\":{\"code\":\"BAD_REQUEST\",\"httpStatus\":400,\"path\":\"typebot.createTypebot\",\"zodError\":{\"formErrors\":[],\"fieldErrors\":{\"typebot\":[\"Invalid input\"]}}},\"issues\":[{\"code\":\"custom\",\"message\":\"Invalid input\",\"path\":[\"typebot\",\"customDomain\"]}]}"
customDomain should look like this:
Can you see that image? When I sent the request, I created a customDomain, but now there are two. The second link doesn't works
Are you hosting on Vercel?
This is the only way to make custom domains work
Nope! I'm using Digital Ocean
Then, you can't use custom domain feature πŸ™
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