The community member is experiencing a noticeable delay when loading their OpenAI-powered bot in a React app. They are seeking suggestions to improve the speed and a method to integrate a loader for a more seamless user experience. Additionally, they mention a noticeable gap when attaching images.
In the comments, another community member suggests using welcome bubbles and adding a "Wait" block with the "Pause the flow" option enabled before the OpenAI block. This will ensure the bubbles are displayed before making the OpenAI request. The community members confirm this helps, but one asks if it's possible to pre-load the bot, to which another community member responds that there is no way to do that for now.
A noticeable delay occurs when trying to load my OpenAI-powered bot in a React app. Kindly offer suggestions to improve its speed, and propose a method to integrate a loader for a more seamless user experience. Additionally, when attaching images, there is a noticeable gap between the two.