A community member is happy with the new Dify block and asks if there are plans to make it work with response_mode: streaming instead of blocking, as their users are impatient to read the content generated by Dify bots. Other community members respond that streaming is currently only supported with PlanetScale as the database, and that they are waiting for Baptiste to add support for PostgreSQL. Baptiste confirms he is actively working on this and it will be merged soon. However, after the merge, some community members still report not getting streaming in their Dify integration, and Baptiste says he will implement it in the next couple of days.
Hi, I'm super happy with the new Dify block. Any plans to make it work with response_mode: streaming instead of blocking? My users are very impatient to read the great contents generated by Dify bots! Thanks for creating the block!
Hi @Baptiste ! I've seen in GitHub you are working this week on this ticket. Super Happy!! Being able to use Dify's RAG with Streaming in Typebot will be a great feature and I'm pretty sure that it will open many possibilities to Typebot users working with LLMs. Any news on possible deployment time? (no stress, please!).