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Updated 6 months ago call agents functions

At a glance

The community members are discussing the integration between Typebot and Dify. The main points are:

- The community member is unsure if the Typebot integration is calling the Dify chatbot or the Dify agent, and wants to know if there are any considerations when connecting to Dify via a custom HTTP API or script.

- There is confusion around the differences between Dify chatbots and agents, with one community member explaining that chatbots use a blocking method while agents use streaming, and that chatbots are simple modal assistants while agents can "think" and solve complex tasks.

- The community members are having trouble getting the conversation ID to work with Dify, and are discussing workarounds like getting the most recent conversation ID for a given username using a Dify GET HTTP API.

- There is a discussion around the limitations of the Dify integration in Typebot, such as not being able to save all the API outputs as variables or use speech-to-text streaming, and a community member suggests looking into the "server function stream" feature in Typebot to potentially address these issues.

There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.

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Hi, it seems like the typebot integration is just calling the chatbot on dify, but not the agent, am I right? If so, is there anything to take care of when connecting to dify via a custom http api or script?
Another thing i cant get my head around, is how to get the conversation id, the module is creating automatically.
I'm not sure what you mean by chatbot or agent, isn't it the same endpoint on dify?
You provide the Conversation ID
it isnt the same.

chatbots allow blocking method. agents only streaming.

chatbots are simple modal assistants while agents can "think" and solve complex tasks
that didnt worked. it didnt accepted my conversation IDs.

As of now. I call dify via the dify block, and then call dify after that, and get the most recent conversation Id of a given username.
Agents should work with the Dify block
Please provide a bug reproduction for me to fix the potential issue if any
They do. But providing a conversation ID doesn’t work
Dify doesn’t accept the random id from tb
A workaround, is to get the most recent conversation id of a given username by a dify get http api
A fix would be to understand what id style dify is accepting
They do work yes. but not with all features. For example it would be great with we could safe all the Outputs the API generates, as Variables.

Id also like to use its speech to text streaming.

Can we call dify or other services and use streaming, in custom blocks? If so, how to diggest their outputs in textblocks?
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