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Updated last year

Dynamic Choices Block

At a glance

The community members are discussing a use case for a restaurant menu ordering system using a type bot. The issue is that currently, to display the menu items, the user must create a picture choice block for each item manually. The proposed solution is a Dynamic Pic Choice Block that takes an array as input and automatically displays all the choices by creating a dataset with labels and pictures. The community members discuss that there is already an option for this, and suggest checking the Dynamic items option in the Picture choice settings. However, one community member notes that Typebot only supports string or list of string, so it could not map the example provided.

Usecase: Resturant Menu Ordering System

so the issue is right now, if you want to place an order through type bot
the customer must first see the menu items
and to display them, you will have to create pic choice block for each one manually

A Dynamic Pic Choice Block
  • takes in array as input and will automatically display all the choices by creating some kind of:
  • whatever choice is choosen, either we can save its full json data in a variable or just the id
There is already such option πŸ™‚
Check out the Dynamic items option in the Picture choice settings
Perfect! Is there no way to do it without separating the tiles,pics and etc? (Just use one array and map the keys)
Typebot only support string or list of string. So it could not map anything in the example you provided πŸ™
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