Further Error description:
so according to the contribution file we have created our folder in the given path with three file schema, constant, index.ts and we have given the variable in the integerationblocktype enum function in the constant.ts and i have put the schema function in the schema.ts that was global also initilized the path in global index.ts and this is the initial test file i created
import test from '@playwright/test';
import { createTypebots } from '@typebot.io/lib/playwright/databaseActions';
import { parseDefaultGroupWithBlock } from '@typebot.io/lib/playwright/databaseHelpers';
import { createId } from '@paralleldrive/cuid2';
import { IntegrationBlockType } from '@typebot.io/schemas/features/blocks/integrations/constants';
test.describe('Google Calendar block', () => {
test('its configuration should work', async ({ page }) => {
const typebotId = createId();
await createTypebots([
id: typebotId,
type: IntegrationBlockType.GOOGLE_CALENDAR,
await page.goto(/typebots/${typebotId}/edit)
await page.getByText('Configure...').click()
await page.fill('input[placeholder="OAuth Client ID"]', ${process.env.CLIENT_ID});
await page.fill('input[placeholder="Calendar ID"]', 'your-calendar-id');
await page.fill('input[placeholder="Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM"]', 'availability-settings');
// Add additional configuration steps if needed
but when i try to use the block in the integration tab it gives me the above error in the screenshot can you please guide me thank you.