i am creating an restaurant chatbot, where user order something and it suppose generate an "token number" according to the number of entry in the database( as per now for database i am using an google spreadsheet using webhook) i successful send the chatbot data to the google spreadsheet and in the spreadsheet i also created an api in app script which send data to my web-app for restaurant owner in next.js framework! successful it shows up the data of spreadsheet and show an token number of the entry!!! BUT i facing the problem that HOW? can i show that token number back to the user in Chatbot!!! Somebody got some any help?! I will be glad if someone helped me out :'))?
i just define the simple logic in my index.tsx to show the latest entry of the data as "Token Number" but the problem i am facing is the how can show this so called token number to the user in its chat!!?
yourr method working!! fine mate but i guess we ignore the main question to return only the current User data entry number or in my case token number not the entire spreadsheet!! got any help with that?!