I am looking for something like an imprint-generator where users type in if they are a company or not, their data, name website, etc. and then based on those conditions they can type in and select more details. and in the end it will display an imprint based on the settings of the user.
so an imprint is some legal page every website has to have within the european union.
i can also use another example and we can call it privacy-policy. users fill in their speficic details, names for who is the gdpr-representative and in the end a document gets generated (=text will get displayed) based on the dynamic conditions and text fields from the user @Baptiste
Not really, what you need to do is collect all the required information into variables then just set a variable at the end that uses these variables to generate your content something like:
"# Privacy Policy for {{Company name}}
At {{Company name}}, accessible from {{URL}}, one of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is collected and recorded by {{Company name}} and how we use it. ... "