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Updated 2 months ago

Issue with WHATSAPP

At a glance

The community member has installed Typebot via Docker and has many bots, including one shared with a WhatsApp business number. The bot was working fine initially, but after the community member applied for and received approval for a display name for the WhatsApp number, the bot stopped responding. The community member tested the bot with a Meta-provided test number and it worked, but when they tried the main WhatsApp business number again, it did not respond. The logs show an "Unknown WhatsApp error" related to a ReferenceError. The community member is asking what might be wrong and how to investigate and resolve the issue.

I've installed typebot via docker
and i've many bots, and i've shared one with WhatsApp business number, created the app in meta and set the user permission and everything and the bot was working great on WhatsApp with no issue at all, and after couple days in META I've applied for display name for the WhatsApp number I've have, and it got approved, and I've used REST API to register the number using this META docs and I've got the Success response, and I've found that my number in WhatsApp have official name, and I've change nothing on typebot or META, then I've found that that WhatsApp number is not replying to the bot !!

so I've tested the TEST NUMBER the meta provide and linked it with typebot and sent a message to that TEST number, and I got reply from the BOT !, so I've linked again back the main number I'm using, and sent a message to it , and NO REPLY !

and in typebot-viewer logs I've found this every time I send a message to the main WhatsApp business number:
Plain Text
Unknown WhatsApp error: ReferenceError: origin is not defined
    at E (/app/apps/viewer/.next/server/chunks/600.js:108:3197)
    at async /app/apps/viewer/.next/server/pages/api/[...trpc].js:1:21529
    at async resolveMiddleware (file:///app/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:420:30)
    at async callRecursive (file:///app/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:456:32)
    at async outputMiddleware (file:///app/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:301:24)
    at async callRecursive (file:///app/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:456:32)
    at async callRecursive (file:///app/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:456:32)
    at async callRecursive (file:///app/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:456:32)
    at async resolve (file:///app/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:486:24)
    at async /app/apps/viewer/.next/server/pages/api/[...trpc].js:1:39127

so, what's wrong !!!
and how to investigate it and make it work again?
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