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Gabriel Henrique
Gabriel Henrique
Offline, last seen 3 months ago
Joined September 13, 2024
Hi, I'm trying to follow the doc to run typebot locally I wanna create some packages, but when I run pnpm i I received the error:

Plain Text
  │ │   ├── ✕ missing peer react-dom@>=16.8.0
  │ │   └─┬ @radix-ui/react-slot 1.1.0
  │ │     ├── ✕ missing peer react@"^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc"
  │ │     └─┬ @radix-ui/react-compose-refs 1.1.0
  │ │       └── ✕ missing peer react@"^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc"
  │ ├─┬ @udecode/slate-utils 25.0.0
  │ │ ├── ✕ missing peer slate@>=0.94.0
  │ │ └── ✕ missing peer slate-history@>=0.93.0
  │ ├─┬ jotai 2.9.3
  │ │ └── ✕ missing peer react@>=17.0.0
  │ ├─┬ jotai-x 1.2.4
  │ │ └── ✕ missing peer react@>=17.0.0
    └── ✕ missing peer eslint@>=7.0.0
Peer dependencies that should be installed:
  eslint@>=7.0.0  [email protected]    

I create a correct .env file and when I run pnpm dev, this message is showed:
Plain Text ./src/index.ts → ./dist... [!] (plugin typescript) RollupError: @rollup/plugin-typescript TS2307: Cannot find module 'next/dynamic.js' or its corresponding type declarations. src/index.ts (6:21) 6 import dynamic from 'next/dynamic.js'                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     at error (/Users/gabrielhenrique/Work/labs/Bots/typebot/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:349:30)
[...] command (/Users/gabrielhenrique/Work/labs/Bots/typebot/packages/embeds/nextjs) /Users/gabrielhenrique/.nvm/versions/node/v20.11.1/bin/pnpm run build exited (1)

 Tasks:    4 successful, 5 total
Cached:    3 cached, 5 total
  Time:    9.373s 

 ERROR  run failed: command  exited (1)
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

What can I do to fix it?