Category and store it in the variable "Categoria" Subcategory and store it in the variable "Subcategoria" Installments and store it in the variable "Parcelado" Value and store it in the variable "Valor" Month and store it in the variable "Mês" Year and store it in the variable "Ano" Example of chosen responses:
Category: "Moradia" Subcategory: "Energia" Installments: 3 Value: 300 Month: Dezembro Year: 2025 I want to insert this information into the SHEET "Despesas Parceladas" in the following way:
Category Subcategory Installments Value Month Year Moradia Energia 1/3 100 Dezembro 2025 Moradia Energia 2/3 100 Dezembro 2025 Moradia Energia 3/3 100 Dezembro 2025 My idea to solve this problem was to make an HTTP request webhook to access my spreadsheet's script, and the script would perform the desired task, but nothing happens!! 😦