Hello, I would like to make a script that calculates the age of a person from his date of birth, using the "Date" module, I’m not an expert in JavaScript code but I had help from Microsoft’s Copilot.
Unfortunately it doesn’t really work
here’s my code:
const birthDateString = "{{DateDeNaissance}}"; // Utilisez la variable définie dans Typebot
setVariable('Log1', `Date de naissance : ${birthDateString}`);
if (birthDateString && birthDateString.includes('/')) {
const [year, month, day] = birthDateString.split('/');
setVariable('Log2', `Jour : ${day}, Mois : ${month}, Année : ${year}`);
if (day && month && year) {
const birthDate = new Date(`${year}/${month}/${day}`);
setVariable('Log3', `Date de naissance formatée : ${birthDate}`);
if (!isNaN(birthDate)) {
const today = new Date();
let age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
const monthDifference = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
if (monthDifference < 0 || (monthDifference === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {
setVariable('Log4', `Âge calculé : ${age}`);
setVariable('Age', age);
return { Age: age };
} else {
setVariable('Log5', "Date de naissance invalide");
return { Age: "Date de naissance invalide" };
} else {
setVariable('Log6', "Format de date incorrect");
return { Age: "Format de date incorrect" };
} else {
setVariable('Log7', "Date de naissance non définie ou format incorrect");
return { Age: "Date de naissance non définie ou format incorrect" };
And the return of my results:
Log 1 : Date de naissance : vhi3uwujq9ghn6ttu0czkh2ef
Log 2 :
Log 3 :
Log 4 :
Log 5 :
Log 6 :
Log 7 : Date de naissance non définie ou format incorrect