Guys, I'm struggling with my tentative to make a flow that doesn't loop requests in Typebot or in WhatsApp (Via Evolution API/Evolution Manager). I've tried a lot of flows but any of those really works. Basically the Request is a chatflow in Flowise and the bot need to works like a conversation (Chat Model -> Gemini 1,5 PRO). Can anyone help, pls? β€οΈ
what do mean "doesn't loop requests in Typebot or in WhatsApp"? if you are using flowise and want to recognize the message you need to define sessionID variables from flowise too on typebot.. And if you want escape from flowise flow, you can define on your promps to make some spesific output like "add this emote β€οΈ if you see user is boring with you" then make the if else logic on typebot to capture the response from flowise contains that emote