I think I've tried every possible variation, and even turned to ChatGPT to help, to avail. I am trying to use the 'set variable' block to trigger a webhook, return a response, and save the response to the variable but I'm not getting anything to display. Here's the code inside the 'set variable' block with a variable name of 'authorization':
const webhookUrl = '
const response = await fetch(webhookUrl, {
method: 'POST', // or 'PUT'
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify({
'location': {{location}},
'authorization_code': {{authorization_code}}
const authorization = await response.json;
return JSON.stringify(authorization);
The values being sent to the webhook are working perfectly. The value being returned from the webhook is a simple JSON as follows:
"authorization": "authorization failed"
I then have another block right after where I display the 'authorization' in a text block but it comes up blank. Nothing appears in the console for errors or anything else.
All I want to do is populate the 'authorization' variable with the response value from the webhook.