The community member published a bot on WhatsApp that works fine initially, but after a period of inactivity (around an hour), the bot keeps repeating only the messages in the first group and does not follow the whole flow. The community member is using a self-hosted Typebot and is seeking ideas to address this issue.
In the comments, another community member asks about the timeout set for the WhatsApp flow, and the original poster responds that it is set to 4 hours. However, the issue is not a reset of the whole conversation, but rather the bot responding only with the messages in the first group and not continuing to other groups, as if resetting the whole session for every new message.
The community members discuss the issue, with one asking if the bot is working in preview mode, and another stating that they don't know what's going on and requesting more information about the flow. Finally, the original poster acknowledges that the issue was due to their database setup, where the updatedAt field was not updating after the session expiry for the ChatSession.
After publishing my bot on WhatsApp, it works fine. But after a period of inactivity (around an hour) the bot keeps repeating just the messages on the first group and doesn't follow the whole flow.
4 hours. but it's not a reset of the whole conversation, instead, for any message I send it keeps responding just by the messages in the first group and doesn't continue to other groups. It's like it is resetting the whole session for every new message.
@Baptiste sorry, it was my fault, the updatedAt field was not updating after the session expiry for the ChatSession, it was my db setup that caused the issue