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Updated 6 months ago

Upload Mulitple Images -> Pic Choice

At a glance

The community member is trying to upload multiple images (Block A) and then display a dynamic image choice (Block B) from the uploaded images. However, the community member is having trouble with the URLs, as they are all being lumped together instead of being separated. The community member has tried various JavaScript techniques, such as stringifying and parsing, but is limited in their JavaScript knowledge.

In the comments, another community member suggests a solution: in Block A, the uploaded image URLs are stored in a variable called imageURLS. This variable can then be split into an array of individual URLs using the split(', ') method, which can then be used in Block B for the dynamic image choice.

I'm trying:
Block A = Upload Multiple Images
Block B = Pic Choice (dynamic) from a list/array of uploaded images.

No matter what I try, it's lumping all urls together.

I'm limited on my JS, but I've tried to stringify, then stringify+parse (among other options).

This is the ex data from the upload:,,,

What should the urls look like for the (Dynamic) Pic Choice?
1 comment
Block A: upload images
Block B: javascript (execute on client disabled)
let imageURLS = {{dataFromA}};
setVariable('imageURLS',imageURLS.split(', '));
Now you have an array of image urls from A
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