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Updated last year

User data into chatbot without them entering it

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The community member is trying to find the best way to get a user's data into a chat without the user having to enter it manually. They are a member of a WordPress website and want the chatbot to automatically display the user's first name when they click on a link on the site. The comments suggest using tools like Encharge or ActiveCampaign to track users and pass their information into the chatbot, as well as using the Typebot WordPress plugin to automatically populate the user's email and other variables. The community members discuss the process and find a solution involving the use of the Typebot plugin and specific variable syntax.

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Hi all πŸ™‚
I am trying to figure out the best way to get a users data into a chat without them having to enter it. E.g. they are a member on my wordpress website and when they click on a link in the site (they are logged in) it will open the chatbot and say Hi {{first_name}} which it will know already based on the logged in user.
Tools like Encharge and ActiveCampaign have site tracking scripts that identify users browsing your site that have opted in to a list (ex: form submission).

Assuming you have site tracking of some sort, you can probably create a JS script that listens if a user exists and then pass the user's name into the Typebot embed script as a prefilled variable.
Woah ok this looks amazing thank you πŸ™
This is great, but I don't think I am doing it right. I am able to pass a hidden variable through using the Javascript code, but how can I dynamically change the name based on the user who is logged in? Or am I supposed to set it up in a different way as I can't seem to just get the WP Name and Email to show without doing it this way? Thanks
actually think I found it by adding {wp_user_email} instead? Woah.... ok this is gonna be interesting! πŸ™‚
Next level Typebots incoming πŸš€
The only thing you need to do to enable this is:

  • Use the Wordpress Typebot plugin
  • Have the variables declared in your Typebot with the exact syntaxes. For the email for example, make sure your variable is spelled WP Email. These won't work: wp Email, WP email.
You don't have to manually prefill anything it should be automatic as long as you use the Wordpress plugin:
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