A community member is experiencing an issue with WhatsApp not working in their Typebot after changing some start conditions and re-adding the phone number. They are getting the error "Chat not starting: Message did not matched any condition" on the viewer console of their self-hosted instance. Other community members have provided some suggestions, such as checking the debug and enabling it, but the issue persists. It was later discovered that there was a bug in the WhatsApp start condition functionality that was fixed on July 30th. The community members are requesting the release of a new version for self-hosted instances to address this critical fix.
Am not understanding why whatsapp stopped working in my typebot. I just changed some start conditions and readded the phone number, getting the following on the viewer console on self hosted instance: Chat not starting: Message did not matched any condition Any idea @Baptiste ?
on further analysis checked code and found - π (whatsapp) Fix start condition failure fixed on 30th July... @Baptiste humble request to please release new version for self hosters