Hello everybody. I need some help. I need to validate several dates, based on Variables. I did a quick test now (image) where I have two fields collecting Dates (Date_1 and Date_2). According to the rule, what I expected would happen is, when typing a date lower than Date_1 (because in Date_2, I put the variable that stores the Date_1 information in the Min field), the system would block it, and say that the date must be greater than Date_1, however, nothing happens. That's how it works?
I'm using Typebot to collect some data, and I have variable date formats (people who may be in the USA or other countries like Brazil). As a final result, I need to store the data in dd/MM/yyyy format. In my case (test computer), I type in the US mm/dd/yyyy format and the variable stores it in the final format. I made a script using Set Variable to create a new variable, which converts the value of the entered date to yyyy-MM-dd. Now it works, but only if I click on the calendar to enter the date. But if I manually enter the date, the system does not check it. Is correct?