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Offline, last seen 5 months ago
Joined September 13, 2024
Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is doing well!

I have a flow that will automatically generate a QR-Code based on some information that I need to send by email (attachment). So far, everything is working. In the perfect world, I wanted the person to be able to choose between 3 image options, and the QR-Code was already being generated within this image in a specific position, I even managed to do this with GPT, but I couldn't integrate it with Typebot and automate it that.

For now, I have inserted an option for the person to select one of the 3 images they will use, and I would like to send it together in the same email as the QRCode. In the Email integration, there is an option to Attach files (I understand that it can be more than 1), but I was unable to select the variables (more than one) to include the files.

Has anyone done this? Is there a way to include more than one attachment file to send via email?
Guys, I need some help.

I need to generate a QRCode from a link that I will receive via text input. Then, I need to take an image that I already have (ideally, being able to choose between 3 of them), and pass it to chatgpt, which will merge the two images (one of the chosen ones and the generated QRCode) to generate a final image. I already have a prompt that worked in chatgpt (I uploaded the two images (my base + QRCode generated here) using the images, but I need to do it automatically (using the QR Code + OpenAI + Typebot...

I have a credit account at OpenAI to make requests via API, but I was trying to use Typebot's own integration component. Does anyone have any tips on how I can do this? I still haven't been able to make it work.
1 comment
Hello everybody. I need some help.
I need to validate several dates, based on Variables. I did a quick test now (image) where I have two fields collecting Dates (Date_1 and Date_2).
According to the rule, what I expected would happen is, when typing a date lower than Date_1 (because in Date_2, I put the variable that stores the Date_1 information in the Min field), the system would block it, and say that the date must be greater than Date_1, however, nothing happens. That's how it works?

Thank you.

Random Text

I have a number of phrases (30-40), and I would like to include them randomly in a chat, so that each person receives one of the messages / texts randomly. Any suggestions on how to do this? Only one of the sentences should appear in each interaction
Hello people.

Currently, from what I understand, using Bubble Date, it is possible to format the final result of the date entered by the user, which is very good. But, can you also force this formatting when the person enters the date? I ask because in the tests I've been doing, the date is always requested in the format of my computer's settings (mm/dd/yyyy) and not in the format I want (dd/MMM/yyyy), however, the final result is in the format which I want, but as I use it with people who use it in two formats (US and BR), there is an inversion of the month position and ends up causing problems/confusion. 😅
Hello everyone, I have two streams running, and one of them had just over 40 records/entries that I was tracking through Results, but today, when I log in to view, I can't see any of the previous entries. Is this data deleted from time to time for personal accounts?
I need some help.
I'm using a Date input to collect several dates, but I wanted to create some rules taking information from dates already entered (which I stored in variables) to limit upcoming dates. Example: I have a field that I call Shipping_Date and another that is Receipt_Date, when the person enters the Receipt_Date, it can never be before the Shipping_Date.

I tested putting the dates manually and everything works fine, but when I use the variable dates, it doesn't work. From what I gather, it's related to how I'm storing the date. By default I'm using DD/MM/YYYY, but this field expects to receive YYYY-MM-DD

I tried changing my field to store in this format, but when I did that I got this error:

"status": 500,
"body": {
"message": "Use yyyy instead of YYYY (in YYYY-MM-DD) for formatting years to the input Mon Jan 01 2024 12:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time); see:",

Any way how to resolve this?

Note: I know you won't be able to see it, but I created a flow with lots of details / checks including validations and data search (attachment)

Thank you
