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Updated 2 months ago

How long are images stored for when uploaded to Typebot?

At a glance
only images with path that starts with public/tmp
So only files uploaded in preview, or Elevenlabs audio URL for example
And what happen to others file uploaded?
Is not there a way to see all our files and to manage them?
I also asked 2 years ago -->

>To can manage media uploaded (how have you done for credentials could be an other big step for better UXUI and also an intelligent resources management (especially if there was an autodelete for media not used for a specified time look like for example 1 year how happen for cookie storage)
reading a post i remembered that i asked if there's a way to manage our files uploadeds also to better manage our space available tahts' not infinite especially when we insert an upload block on our flow

@nefer_l have you has some ideas about it?
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