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Mario Barretta
Mario Barretta
Offline, last seen 7 days ago
Joined September 10, 2024
Creating a bot on that, at the end, there is a mail sent to a specific address i've created a variable and assigned the mail name@site.extension
on the mail block i've set that variable but, for some reason (that i do not know and understand) the mail's not sent.

Here log

"error": "Error: Message failed: 454 Throttling failure: Daily message quota exceeded.",
"transportConfig": {
"host": "",
"port": 587,
"auth": {
"user": "AKIA**",
"pass": "**"
"email": {
"from": ""Typebot Notifications" <>",
"to": [
"" ], "replyTo": "",
"subject": "**", "text": " \ntelefono: \n\nHa chiesto :\n* \nper il settore : \n*\n\nPuò essere ricontattato via mail : Si\n\nVuole ricevere comunicazioni diverse : Si"

Some one can help me to better understand?
Thank you
1 comment
I've followed these rules to create an HTTP BLOCK to try to join Typebot With Airatble and it look like to work but, every time, on airtable has added an empty line also if i properly folowed all that you can read and follow.

This is the log by Typebot on that you can see that variables passed are "empty"

"statusCode": 200,
"response": {
"id": "recWQ01EWxZzTLx8i",
"createdTime": "2024-09-30T08:56:11.000Z",
"fields": {}
"request": {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer TOKEN_API"
"timeout": 10000,
"json": {
"fields": {
"Nome": "",
"Cognome": "",
"Mail": "",
"Telefono": ""

Some one can help me to understand how to solve?

Thank you

here a flow draft --> and here the public flow ( being that i not suggest your Token or anything in the previous bot.


I used this :

"fields": {
"Name": "{{answers.Name}}",
"Email": "{{answers.Email}}"

That was not corect because it must be

"fields": {
"Name": "{{Name}}",
"Email": "{{Email}}"

(i'm so Ignorant in this but, at the end, i've inderstand and now, with an HTTP REQUEST BLOCk i can connect Typebot With Airtable
I'm using a sheet block to get some data and to show them related to specific conditions (look like for example surname)
I've seen that when i insert a surname not correct the flow continue and i'd like that flow stop with an error message that infor that filed inserted has not founded on google sheet.
Is possibile?
I've a big google sheet with a lot of fiels and i'd like to can found a solution that can give me a sheet block with get function on that to have ALL my columns and not to have to add manually every one.
After i will assign the column to my variable and i know that this have to be a manual job but to have an automation for this will decreas at 50% the work to do in the cases on that we need to show the values form sheet to or bot and i think that a lot of times we need to show all values got from sheet.
Thank you
In the past i've asked how to manage date fileds and to change format from one to an other and has created a script for variable bubble with that has been possible:

const inputDate = {{Date}}
const year = inputDate.substr(0, 4);
const month = inputDate.substr(4, 2);
const day = inputDate.substr(6, 2);
const hour = inputDate.substr(9, 2);
const minute = inputDate.substr(11, 2);

// Create a new Date object
const date = new Date(${year}-${month}-${day}T${hour}:${minute}:00);

// Format the date
const formattedDate = date.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', {
day: '2-digit',
month: '2-digit',
year: 'numeric',

// Format the time
const formattedTime = date.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', {
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
hour12: false,

// Combine formatted date and time
return ${formattedDate} ${formattedTime};
Make sure to change {{Date}} with your variable name

Now i've an other problem evebr on data management (in this case for text)

In a text bubble i've a variable value (TEXT) for example : "my name is Mario"
being that i need that this value does not have space and must be "my-name-is-Mario" i'm trying to create a script that tranform my variable TEXT in TEXTTRANSFORMED but after some days and tests i'm not able to do and i'me really sorry to not understand how to do it .

I've used all kind of IA but human people are better and so i'me here to ask help so to try to understand how to reach ths result.

Have a nice day
Is there a way to manage the sending emails?
I'd like to can take all data by bot flow and to establish a date and hour on that my bubble mail will take in action.
After long work 8for me( i've reached a goal to have a variable built with all values that i need but now i need that this variable that has a link become clickable and not appear only how text?
is there a way to can have this result?

if i show the {{variable}} it appear only how Text also if it is a link looklike this : https://site.exetensione/subfolder/function0/function/r/function1?text={{variable1}}&function2={{variable2}}/{{variable3}}&function3{{variable4}}&function4={{variable5}}
I'me creating a bot to schedule appointment and the date format requested is ISO (AAAAMMGGTHHMMSSZ)

How can i do to use this format on our date bubble in typebot? that have the format DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD ?

Thank you
Hello everyone,
I know that there are problems with typebot domain but also all my bot with custom domain are down .
No one has same problem?
Hi community.
Being that look like to be not easy (or impossible "for now") to sho records in in range of date --> i've tried to create a block with more date block one after an other so that user, after to have chosen number of days, can insert the date but happen that after to insert the forst date the flow do not continue to the next.
Is there something of strange in that i am trying to do?
hello everyone,
This morning i'mne doing some changes on a bot and i've some problems about mail google sheet and stripe that i do not have before.
I see a message pop up that inform me about a new version in database
Can be the problem?
thank you
Good morning to all dear fellow Typebot adventurers.
I refer to a previous request of mine, to which @Baptiste egregiously found a solution, ( that allows me to display specific data entered in a google sheet by returning it formatted clearly and legibly as I wanted.

The new request, in addition to the previous one related to point 3 of my request for help :

3) Checking that in case you enter a date and time already occupied for the table number you select an error message is returned

is that you get a result that shows me the data entered not only relative to a specific date but to a range of dates (start date - end date) so that I can see, for example, all the bookings for a week.

I have tried reasoning and running tests but have not, unfortunately, been able to come up with any so I am again asking for help from the more experienced people who will read this new request of mine.

Good day to all
Good morning, everyone,

Already in the past I tried to make a bot for table reservation inside a restaurant but failed to complete it due to time issues and also inability
Now I should have a little bit more time available however the inability remained the same so I try to expose you, synthetically, the flow to understand how you would realize it and if you could give some hints.

P.S. I have already created my bot for the collection of the main data and its transposition into an excel sheet but the problems arise later and during the management of the flow that I now try to expose:

1) Data collection (name -surname - phone - email - number of people - date - arrival time - end time - table number) --> DONE
2) Entering that data into a google sheet --> DONE.
3) Checking that in case you enter a date and time already occupied for the table number you select an error message is returned --> NOT DONE
4) Summary of all orders for a specific date that is manually imputed --> DONE. (thx to @Baptiste -->

Step 3 is necessary so that the girl who collects the customer's phone reservation and enters it on the screen cannot overlap two reservations on the same table or time
Step 4 is necessary to do a pre-check activity during the phone call with the customer asking for reservations at such a date and time so that all the reservations that are there for that day for each table are immediately seen on the screen.

Ideas and suggestions to be able to fulfill points 3 and 4?

Now with what I have accomplished I can only tell the customer to look at the excel sheet (where there are ALL reservations) and it is possible to enter equal reservations for the same table and time.

Thanks to all
How can we insert a link (that's related to a variable) on a text bubble?

For example if we have declared a variable (looklike a restaurant's menù link) i'd like to can use my variable how linkon a text bubble.
I know that i can manually insert but if i have a variable and i need to change url i've only to change it and not to follow every bobble on that i've used a link.