Thank you for reply and sorry to not have exposed all better.
next time i'll try to ever follow your list.
- Create a bot with a variable text block and a sheet block connected to a google sheet that insert variable in sheet
- Create a google sheet with 8 column (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 -8) and inside the second row (C2) put a formula that take data from an other google sheet and insert them in the actual sheet hgere the formula --> (=SE.ERRORE(FILTER('OTHERSHEET'!D:I; 'OTHERSHEET'!B:B = $B$2; 'OTHERSHEET'!A:A = $A$2; 'OTHERSHEET'!C:C = "Colazione"); ""))
- Insert a value on variable text block
happen that the variable inserted with the bot is positioned on the third row C3
- I expect that the variable is inserted on B2 and not B3
- i expect that also A2 will be populated with data and not A3
I know that's a little complicated to explain and to test but it seems that a cell with a formula has been recognized how with a data inside so typebot insert data on the next row but it's so strange and not correct