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Image from AI - openAI or other integration

Does anyone know how to get an image URL from an AI?

I don't really see a good option in the openAI block to get the image URL back.

I've tried conveting image blobs/strings before but it doesn't work great for me and I don't see a way to return that either but maybe I am misssing something.

Now, I have not learned to train an assistant yet so maybe that is the path I need to go down. But also, maybe there is something I am missing with openAI or maybe one of the other integrations gives me good image generation?

Thanks for any help!
No way to do that for now
I solved this by sending the base64 image to imgbb and it gives me a jpg or png url.

BUT I'm having issues one of my other API calls returns RAW image data and it comes into tyepbot with a bunch of ? diamonds. I can't even send the data back out as it is corrupted or something because typebot can't read the special chars.

I am going to ask the api creators if they can return a URL to me, but they are on vacation until the end of the month.
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