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Mesmo começando do zero acontece a mesma coisa, alguém sabe como resolver isso?
I have a typebot with a Text Input block that collects text that I later pass into an AI service. I'd like to enforce a max length on this input in order to cap the number of input tokens spent. I see that there's a short text input vs long text input distinction, but I haven't spotted a way to limit the maxlength on the short text input. Is there a way to limit this? Thank you!
On my platform, every new customer receives a "New" tag/label. However, I'm creating a small flowchart where a conditional check is made to separate two flows: customers with the tag/label go to X, and those without the tag/label go to Y.

How can I achieve this? I couldn't find anything regarding a condition to check the existence of a tag/label or not. Could you help me?
@Baptiste on mobile devices, there is no placeholder on the date picker Input. Is this intentional or a bug?
I was using the official noCode DB as an integration to my Typebot until now. Today, I've launched my own self-hosted noCode DB and put new credentials in Typebot, but I'm worried that saving doesn't work. Every time I update credentials and look at them, they are in the default
The buttons on my Typebot do not follow the funnel. In the preview screen, everything works fine, but when I publish it and test the funnel, it gets stuck at the button click stage, and nothing happens. Can someone help me, please?
1 comment
Hi guys!!! I'm facing an issue. Just created a a Type bot flow for WhatsApp and put it on production. The problem is that I'm trying to redirect the customers to the native WhatsApp catolog products but it's not working. Nothing happens when I redirect them by a link to a product, or even to any external link. Can you guys help me? Thanks a lot.
Hi guys, i need a little help to return today's date (dd/mm/yyyy)

I have embedded typebot in my website using iframe.
At times when user gives any input via button click the typebot loading animation is displayed and then fails to generate reply message.
User has to provide same button input multiple times post which a reply might be generated.

This happened multiple times and is affecting our live users. Attaching relevant screenshots.
The flow I created was sending emails to me normally. However, today, upon checking the log for several contacts, they all show the following error:

"error": "Error: Message failed: 554 Message rejected: Sending paused for this account. For more information, please check the inbox of the email address associated with your AWS account.",
"transportConfig": {
"host": "",
"port": 587,
"auth": {
"pass": "**"
1 comment
Hello, community!

I am trying to integrate Typebot into my WordPress site and facing an issue related to passing UTM variables.

What I am trying to achieve:
I want to initialize Typebot directly in my HTML code, passing UTM variables that are necessary to enable the bot's functionality.
The apiHost needs to be just the domain ( and should not include the full URL with parameters.
Example of the code I am using:
Copiar código
<script type="module">
import Typebot from '[email protected]/dist/web.js';

// Defining UTM variables directly in the code
let utm_email = '';
let utm_empresa = 'AM Insurance';
let utm_telefone = '5551999999999';

// Initializing Typebot
typebot: "consorcios",
apiHost: "",
previewMessage: {
message: "Can we help you?",
autoShowDelay: 10000,
avatarUrl: utm_url_banner,
theme: {
button: { backgroundColor: "#0042DA" },
chatWindow: { backgroundColor: "#fff" },
// UTM variables
variables: {
utm_assinatura: utm_assinatura,
utm_email: utm_email,
utm_empresa: utm_empresa,
utm_telefone: utm_telefone,
utm_url_banner: utm_url_banner
The problem:
When I initialize Typebot, it is not recognizing the UTM variables that I am trying to pass, and the bot does not function correctly.

How can I ensure that these variables are passed correctly to Typebot?
Is there any additional configuration that I should consider for Typebot to work as expected?
I appreciate any help you can offer!
1 comment
Hi, I need to determine the helpline number based on the corporate ID and pass it to the assistant. I'm passing the corporate ID as a hidden variable into Typebot. Could you suggest a way to pass the helpline number to the OpenAI assistant?
Creating a bot on that, at the end, there is a mail sent to a specific address i've created a variable and assigned the mail name@site.extension
on the mail block i've set that variable but, for some reason (that i do not know and understand) the mail's not sent.

Here log

"error": "Error: Message failed: 454 Throttling failure: Daily message quota exceeded.",
"transportConfig": {
"host": "",
"port": 587,
"auth": {
"user": "AKIA**",
"pass": "**"
"email": {
"from": ""Typebot Notifications" <>",
"to": [
"" ], "replyTo": "",
"subject": "**", "text": " \ntelefono: \n\nHa chiesto :\n* \nper il settore : \n*\n\nPuò essere ricontattato via mail : Si\n\nVuole ricevere comunicazioni diverse : Si"

Some one can help me to better understand?
Thank you
1 comment
I need to display a list on WhatsApp so that the user can choose an item or load more items.

Problems and limitations using buttons:
  1. Limitation on the text that is displayed, being abbreviated with ...
  2. I have to create an additional button at the end, called "See more.." and this can be mistaken for a normal item in the list.
Problems and limitations using an enumerated text list:
  1. I have to capture any text typed by the user, process it and understand if he wants to choose an item, or if he wants to "See more"
  2. The user must write the correct command and this leaves room for errors.
How do you do it?
Hey everybody, I am new to typebot. So far this tool has been amazing but I need help with a few things.
  1. I am creating a questionairre where, at the end, people will get an estimation of the lawsuit value, however, to do so, I need to take all of the answers they provided, and have chatgpt analyze their inputs to give them an estimated value.
Once the user goes through the questionaiire, how can i seemlessly connect chatgpt to give them that estimation? Is this even possible?
1 comment
What I'm trying to do here is, I found out there's an error while I'm integrating with NocoDB, It did successfully search records from my database but what it doesn't do is because of the second "Search Record"NocoDB block, doesn't have Matches Regex in the filter section, so I tried to use contain operators to let it classifier the keyword for every user input in this case. That's why I'm trying to look at way to find out how to slice every user input ( FOR EG: User input = Hello, I'm Fine to [Hello,I'm,Fine]. Like in this way i can keyword classifier every user input string, and give response base on the database matches to user input.)

I'm still beginner to coding experience so... I can't figure out how do i use the execute script block. Even using "Append Values" or "Map Item with same index" in Set Variables block, ummm I still have no clue.
I was able to create a forge block to stream a single bubble. But I was wondering if it was possible from a forge block to stream new bubble and embed.
1 comment
This code returns a list starting from 1. Strange:

const itens = {{categoriesListName}}; let list =, index) => `${index}. ${item}`).join('\n'); setVariable('categoriesListChoice', list);

If use {index-1} this code returns a list starting from -1!!! Very Strange.

I'm having some trouble. I'm trying to test the flow via WhatsApp, but the messages are not coming through to my number. What could be causing this?
🔧 Problem Description
Hello! I'm having an issue where my TypeBot does not correctly receive responses from a webhook set up in Make. Below are the details:

🎯 Objective
I'm aiming for my TypeBot to receive responses from a Make webhook after sending data through a POST request, and I need these data to be accurately displayed in the TypeBot chat.

👨‍💻 Code Used
Plain Text
const webhookUrl = '***********';
try {
  const response = await fetch(webhookUrl, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify({ nombre_usuario, consulta_cliente })

  if (response.ok) {
    const data = await response.json();
    console.log('Complete response from webhook:', data);
    if (data.response) {
      console.log('Webhook message:', data.response.datos.mensaje);
      await Typebot.setVariable('respuesta_webhook', data.response.datos.mensaje);
      return data.response.datos.mensaje;
    } else {
      console.error('Response format unexpected or incomplete:', data);
      await Typebot.setVariable('respuesta_webhook', 'Sorry, there seems to be a problem with the response format.');
      return null;
  } else {
    console.error('Problem with the request. Status:', response.status);
    await Typebot.setVariable('respuesta_webhook', 'Sorry, there was a problem with sending the query.');
    return null;
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error contacting the API:', error);
  await Typebot.setVariable('respuesta_webhook', 'There seems to be an error in processing the query.');
  throw error;
Can anyone teach me how to install typebot locally on my machine or in a VM on my machine I need to do some testing and I wanted to do this local installation before paying for a vps
I'm testing the bot through the WhatsApp channel in the Typebot cloud flow editor, and I can't send the image to Airtable.
It only works when I test the web chat, so I know my POST is working with image. The image is uploaded!
I read somewhere that images received on WhatsApp are not public, so how can I save them if I don't have access?
Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on integrating Ollama models (specifically LLaMA 3.2) into Typebot by creating a custom block. My goal is to allow users to interact with the LLaMA model directly within a Typebot conversation.

I’d really appreciate some guidance on the following:

How do I create a custom block in Typebot that can make API requests to the Ollama models?
Is there a specific process or best practices for handling API calls (e.g., sending user input, receiving responses) in Typebot’s custom blocks?
If anyone has done something similar, especially integrating an external AI model like Ollama, I’d love to learn from your experience.
Any code examples or tips would be super helpful!

Thanks in advance for your support!
1 comment
Hello guys!
I am having an issue when trying to test the blocks in Typebot. It doesn’t start the chat and after a long time, it gives a connection error, even though my connection is fine.