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Send Data from Zapier to AI Loop in Typebot

So I've been extensively looking at documentation but I cant seem to solve this issue : how can I configurate my typebot AI Loop block to check google calendar for availability and the proceeds to booking the event in google calendar if requested timeslot is available?

So my current Typebot setup (see screenshot - typebot setup) collects the the users input (date, time, email) and stores them as variables and then sends this data through HTTP request via webhook to zappier. Time and date is sent to Zapier and runs through Zapier flow (see screenshot - Zapier Flow setup). The Zapier flows does the job by checking time availabilty in google calendar. If timeslot is available, it then proceeds to booking the meeting using the variables.

  1. How do I let the Open Ai Assistant block know that the meeting is now booked, and thus allowing it to inform user that meeting is confirmed back in the chat?
  2. How do I let the Open Ai Assistant block know that the requested time slot by user is not available, prompting the user to provide alternative date and time? The Ai Assistant will reloop until time slot is avalaible and proceed to the booking of the meeting?
The current setup in Zappier works, but cant make it communicate to the Open Ai Assistant block in Typebot.

Thank you!!
Not sure if this is possible currently in typebot, @Baptiste could say better

probable solution - could be get zapier to update status somewhere whether the booking was done or not for this user, and then include checking of this status in typebot before moving ahead...
looking to see what others say...
My thoughts exactly... just cant find a way to do it. Tried using a specific HTTP Request block to send the data directly to google API but cant seem to get the appropriate response back to open ai assistant block.
So you should have something back from Zapier? can it return something in the response?
Otherwise you could use
Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately, no response I can use. Would you recommend keeping to work on this block structure (AI loop) or better to work on another flow all together?

Basically, The HTTP request response only comes back with the success message of delivered data to Zapier. Trying to change the response payload of Zapier to Typebot is very very challenging 😆

Will check options thanks for the help guys! ❤️
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