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E results question

I have 2 questions. The results tab (submissions & analytics)

  1. Is there a way to access this database via an api? For example, to build a dashboard to display metrics to.
  1. I am using a RAG+LLM system and the user may ask several questions and the LLM will respond several times so each time the bot replies the variable {{bot_response}} is overwritten and each time the variable {{user_response}} is overwritten. Is there a way to use the typebot database to store the whole conversation? I guess I could +1 to the variable name so it would be {{bot_response_1}}, {{bot_response2}}, etc. but this doesn't seem like a good solution.
  1. Yes:
  2. You would have to store it into variables indeed if you'd like to save the whole history
RE: #2
Since using an LLM in a looped flow is quite a common use case (for example via the chatnode integration, or other api request) is there no better way to store each new user message rather than give a new variable name?
Why do you need that, what’s the end goal?
I’ll be able to better help you if I understand what you’d like to have in the end and why 🙂
So the usermessage gets sent to chatnode, and the result is set as bot response. Then the user asks a follow up question. Currently this overwrites the user message, right? So we lose that part of the chat history. It would be good to be able use the api to generate a daily report of interesting chats for the client.
Okay so I've finally understood that you can append variables to chathistory variable.
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