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Updated 4 months ago

Variable Link Clickable

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After long work 8for me( i've reached a goal to have a variable built with all values that i need but now i need that this variable that has a link become clickable and not appear only how text?
is there a way to can have this result?

if i show the {{variable}} it appear only how Text also if it is a link looklike this : https://site.exetensione/subfolder/function0/function/r/function1?text={{variable1}}&function2={{variable2}}/{{variable3}}&function3{{variable4}}&function4={{variable5}}
Hi @Mario Barretta - can you check if this solves your issue -
Thank you for reply and link to post but that's different.
I need to use a variable value how link.
in the case shown there is a link added to a text and not a variable.
the @Baptiste ' Suggest is perfect for that but not for my request and i discovered that to add a link to a text you can also simly select it and paste the link so it become clickable without to use markdown sintax
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