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get option not valid

I'm using a sheet block to get some data and to show them related to specific conditions (look like for example surname)
I've seen that when i insert a surname not correct the flow continue and i'd like that flow stop with an error message that infor that filed inserted has not founded on google sheet.
Is possibile?
What is a "surname not correct"?
Hi @Baptiste i've used the filed "surname" only how example.
Think to a query on that i search a specific field, that in my case was the surname for example Smith (John --> name Smith --> Surname)
If i insert on the block the surname SMITH it's accepted and the flow continue to next block also if in my google sheet there was not the specific surname.
in this case the problem is the case sensitive being that if i insert Smith t work perfcetly but, obviously, it happen also for filed that are not presents on my sheet.
I'd like that if user insert a filed that has not the related field on sheet it happen something that stop the flow and inform about this without to continue.
I hope to have better explained the situation.
Thank you for reply
Someone can help me to found a solution for this action?
Thank You
I've tried a lot of solutions but without a good result 😦
I'm sorry I struggle to understand
Can you clearly describe it by following this template:

  1. Steps to reproduce
  2. What's happening
  3. What were you expecting
It's even better if you can provide a screen recording.
I am sorry that I cannot be clear and explain myself properly.
These are definitely limitations of my English language. (so now i will use Deepl ;))
I will try to explain myself better because a video would not be clarifying.

So :

I have a google sheet in which there is all the data I am interested in and in which there are first name, last name, tax code etc.

through my bot I want to modify some values and for this reason I use the GET block configuring it with the value of the surname field.

Think for example of Baptiste Arnaud.

If through the bot I want to get the Baptiste Arnaud record and type in the surname Arnod I would like an error message to be returned telling me that Arnod does not exist without letting me continue in the flow.

I hope I have managed to make myself clearer and I thank you for reading and taking the time.
Would it be sorta like this?
yes this is the result that i'd want but i do not understand the flow on that you insert "is set" or "is empty"
"is empty" option is ok and i understand it
"is set" option is not really clear for me.
using that option it control the content and if not correspond to what is present on the sheet it can be managed with "handle error" ?
i did not know about this.
Where have you fodun?
is there on documentation?
Thank you very much
The is set operator would return true when the variable or value in question is defined and not null or undefined, and also when, in the case of a string or array, it has a length greater than zero.
i've created your flow and whne i insert a not correct surname i see a debug message (on test view) but the flow continue to next bubble without to go to error

"comparisons": [
"id": "hjztsnlt4au7ljzyqfgyk43v",
"column": "Cognome",
"comparisonOperator": "Equal to",
"value": "ssss"
"logicalOperator": "OR"

what is your google sheet block structure?

mine is :

get data from sheet (my google sheet)
select row(s) (first --> Cogome equal to Cognome)
Columns to extract (Cognome Cognome)
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